Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Check it out, I have evolved... lost weight and have a new blog, look and idea.  Check out NERD PANDA for all future updates.  Also check out the new tumbler for cute pics of me :D

Thats all for now.  See you on the new site... Its still being tweaked a bit but all new and exciting things are hapening over there!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

New updated panda coming soon with a blog that will actually be updated.  :D working on some logistical things before coming back bigger and better then ever.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

I know I am a fail at posting, FAIL PANDA!  But I just wanted to say it was fun.  Maybe one day when I have tons more time I will try again!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Coming Back on MONDAYS

My plan is to start trying to do regular posts on Mondays  I missed this week but will post next Monday  I promise..... for real this time.

Sorry for being lame, but here is a cute picture of my puppy friend Bauer playing Puerto Rico.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lazy panda

Yawns lazy panda has spent too much time sleeping to post.  Expect a blog tomorrow. Promise (I failed at this, *face palm*).... unless I fall back asleep. Eating so much bamboo is exhausting.

p.s. Update, one as soon as I can, been lacking blogging time, life got busy, (which means more fun content for future posts!)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


So I'm back again!  I know I am a little behind but this post will be about peelander-Z the band that played after SUPER ART FIGHT!

Peelander-Z calls themselves "Japanese Action Comic Punk band hailing from the Z area of Planet Peelander" according to their wiki and it was one of the craziest shows I have ever seen.  The band dresses up in crazy costumes each being a specific color.  Their songs are loud, catchy, and fun.  I just rememeber lots of shouting about "MAD TIGER" and "GO GET GLASSES!"  
The also exciting this about this band is they "battle?" what appears to be a guitar squid!  At one point they showed how by the squid was at sports by having him try to play baseball, jump rope, and soccer.
But with all of that my favorite part was the bowling song!  They started it out with, "Do you want to go bowling in your home? NO! do you want to bowl in your school? NO! do you want to bowl in your hospital? NO! Where do you bowl? IN SPACE!"  It was so random because of course you would go bowling in space.
Okay, and then one more thing to show the ridiculousness of this band, at one point the bass player (red peelander-z) crowd surfed to the middle of the room, climbed up onto the lighting structure, hung upside down and then played his bass.  It was CRAZY! (a little too crazy, panda's don't do well in mosh pits....)
Moral of the story, go watch random bands you never know what you are going to find.  

Alright! that is all for now I believe, more next week!  Also, if you ever think of anything you think I would like, or should write about post a comment I would love to hear from you!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Night Of Epic!

So I spent a night out in Baltimore last week doing tons of epic things, paper moon diner, super art fight at the ottobar, and Peelander-Z!

I started my night out having dinner at the Paper Moon Diner.  Its a cute place where toys and weird things line the walls, ceiling and more.  It was definitely interesting to look around and explore.  Plus the food wasn't that bad either.
It was dark!
Green man with a fork Mohawk riding a cow! An example of their decorations!
I broke into the staff area, shh, don't tell anyone!

Then I headed over to the ottobar for SUPER ART FIGHT!!!  Now for those of you who do not know what a super art fight is, it is where normally 2 artists take the stage in front of a huge blank canvas  Each artist is given a starting topic and they must incorporate that topic into the canvas.  A clock is then set for 25min and the drawling starts.  Then ever 5min. the wheel of death is spun for each player giving them a new topic they have to incorporate.  The topics on the wheel of death are provided by the fans of super art fight who post them as comments on the super art fight website.  This goes on till time is up, and then the audience chooses who they think did best by cheering.  It is a fantastic time! (be prepared for tons of pictures!) 

The first battle of the night was Ash Sketch'Em VS Ghostfreehood.  The starting topics were Ghostbusters vs Beetle Juice.   Ash came out dressed as a Pokemon Trainer and Ghostfreehood as some kind of Demon to start the battle.
And so it begins
Things start to change, becoming demons and such!
New topics emerge on the canvas like, "Lance Armstrong's Missing Testicle" which appears as a pokeball.
Wheel of Death had Auto-erotic-asphyxiation-bots come up...
Finished battle Hand shake after Ash was announced the winner!

The second batter of the night was between Darl "Apocalypse" Gnau and "Charm City Shinobi" Dann Malihom.  The starting topics were Orioles vs Ravens which was very appropriate with this event taking place in Baltimore.  
Off to a good start, oriole bird vs raven!
Cthulhu Edgar Allen Poe
Final Canvas! Darl Was Victorious!

The next bout was a tag team battle!  Team Sexyfulness vs stompadon!  Both teams got into character to make this a very entertaining match.  They also both started with the topic pirates which was very fun to watch.
Costumes! (not the best photo, heads get in my way, I'm short :/)
Pirate versions of themselves.
Veal of Death
Turned a stompadon into a sexyfullness oh no!
Team sexyfullness turns into samurai Abe Lincoln due to the topic of "Four score and 7 samurai ago"
 Exploding squids attack samurai Lincolns!
 Anteater lifting becomes an Olympic sport
 Stars of Car's get "busy"
Lots of mayham at the end with a sexyfullness win.

Final battle was between Jamie "Angry Zen Master" Noguchi(challenger) and "The nicest Man in Super Art Fight" Brandon J. Carr(defender).  This battle was for the SAF championship.  They started with the shining vs something I can not remember (do pandas have small brains?)
Nose turned TMNT!
Game of Scones!
Ball Gag Batman.
Battle for space on the Canvas!
Full Canvas!
The winner was Jamie Noguchi.  This win made Jamie Noguchi the NEW super art fight CHAMPION!    It was an awesome show overall I wish I could post more photos of all the changes made to the drawlings, it is so fun to watch the canvas change over time from one thing to the other.  If you get a chance you should check out super art fight, its awesome!

Okay, I think that's all for now, I will have to write about peelander-Z later because it is going to take a lot of writing to explain the crazy that was peelander-z.  Plus its getting late, I need some sleepy time.

*PANDA HUGS* Thanks for reading!