Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Atlanta, Georgia! Aquarium

I'm BACK! Time to tell you all about my fantastic time in Atlanta! Went there for Dragon*Con and arrived early Thursday before anything started making it an excellent time to go to the Aquarium!  If you have never been to the Georgia Aquarium you should go.  It is the best aquarium I have been to! It was full of exhibits and was set up in a way that you are amazed walking around every turn.

Above is one of the sites you come across as soon as you walk around a corner.  Whale Sharks!  I mean they are huge and with the huge tank you can see them very well, it is astounding.  Although, I did feel a little tiny seeing the huge whale sharks and manta rays swimming by me.

Also, they have a Dolphin show!  This dolphin show was one of the funniest parts of the visit.  It was like a musical with some dolphins.  Unfortunately, I was unable to use my camera during the show, so no pictures of the ridiculousness.  All I can say is if you go bring a friend to the dolphin show so you have someone to laugh with and make side comments to, it will make it better.

In the Dragon*Con spirit there were Sea Dragons.  I think they are cute!  Also, a fun thing about the aquarium was that there were fish tanks everywhere even on the ceiling which led to great views.  It would be an awesome place for Bioshock cos-play photos.  Too bad I didn't have my splicer mask there with me.

Wow this looks long.... I think I will tell you all about Dragon*Con adventures later.... I need to go find me a delicious Bamboo snack now.

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