Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Twitter Fail!

Sadly my twitter has been suspended.  :(  I think it may be because I followed a lot of people in a short period of time.  But I blame twitter for this, they make it easy to follow more people with their, people you should follow links on the side of the web page.  Plus nerdy people follow other nerdy people and I think I should follow those people as well.  It leads to a bad cycle of following people.  :(  So sadly shortly after this panda entered the world of twitter it has left it.  I have appealed the suspension though, so we will see how that goes.  I hope twitter realizes I just wanted to follow the interesting people on their site, just like it was intended and not be considered a spammer or whatever. 

On another note, new real post coming tomorrow night.  Be excited!
(at least the blogger site doesn't think I'm spam)

1 comment:

  1. it is ok panda. everyone has to deal with their addictions even if it is only to following cool people on twitter.
