Wednesday, September 12, 2012

MD Renaissance Festival

I'm back!  This time it is to tell you all about my trip to the year 1514.  This trip just happened to occur at the Maryland Renaissance Festival, in their town by the name of Revel Grove.  At the the festival King Henry VIII was married to his Queen Katherine of Aragon (just to give you a perspective of the story line they were going along with).

While there I saw the king enter town and heard the cannon BOOM signifying the start of the day!  And after entering Revel Grove I went strait to the food and drinks!  Pandas need to start their day with breakfast just like people.

I had my self a pork chop on a stick (everything is better on a stick ) and a Bee-sting (1/4 Mead, 3/4 Cider). I know a little different for what would be my normal diet but it was delicious!  My group and I even were complimented on how we started the day with lots of the food groups.

I then went to see if I could have a meeting with the King and his court!

I made this picture bigger so you could see me, but that is me there with the KING!  I met King Henry VIII and his queen!  They were curious about why a panda was there to see them, but then It was explained I was a traveler and a nerd and it all made sense to them.

I then went on with my day taking in the sights around me of all of the people in costume, going into shops and looking at crafts and magnificent items (like top hats, leather masks, wooden mugs, swords, chain mail and so much more), watching shows, and eating more food!

Some of the best shows were fight school, Dueling fools, Dasiy O'Dany, and The Rude Mechanicals.  I have also heard a lot about Hack and Slash although they were not present. :(

Alright, I think that's it for now but I will leave you with a picture of me pretending to be king, and a recommendation that if you go to the renaissance festival you eat everything.  The OmNoms are FANTASTIC! (especially the pork chop on a stick- It beats the turkey leg and maybe even bamboo).

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